Transforming Trade

A reform agenda towards sustainable food and land use systems

22 11 21

This brief calls on trade leaders to display climate ambition and presents nine areas where they can take positive action. It shows the importance of sustainable trade in a world afflicted by climate change and furthers the case for why we need trade leaders in the room with us, now.

Transforming Trade

A reform agenda towards sustainable food and land use systems


This brief calls on trade leaders to display climate ambition and presents nine areas where they can take positive action. It shows the importance of sustainable trade in a world afflicted by climate change and furthers the case for why we need trade leaders in the room with us, now.

Key messages

At least 80% of the world population depends on imports for some of the food they eat. Trade in food is key to meeting food security and growing population demand, and it provides critical jobs and incomes for producer countries



Trade Officials Hold The Key To COP26’s Success

06 Dec 21
This brief shows why and how trade leaders should build environmental standards into their policies and contribute to an integrated climate mitigation agenda.

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