Policy briefs and discussion papers

Sub Saharan Africa

Sub-Saharan Africa’s Food Systems and COVID-19: Emerging Evidence

Written by FOLU and Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), the paper summarises an emerging framework and evidence on the impacts of COVID-19 on SSA food systems, as well as a way forward.

Related news and resources

Rethinking production and consumption to ensure sustainable development. 

Here you can listen to various sessions covered during the African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF)…

Five ways to ensure gender sensitive policies in the wake of the pandemic.

Strengthening Food Systems’ Resilience to COVID-19:

Initial Lessons from FOLU Countries’ Responses to the Global Pandemic

This paper showcases learnings from FOLU’s five core countries, offers a food system resilience framework and provokes discussion on its application. It encourages country teams, partners and related organisations to identify areas where they could work and support.

Related news and resources

Join us at COP26 for the launch of a new report analysing NDCs from a food, land use and nature perspective.

Join us together with experts from CRB, IDH, WRI and WWF for the launch of a new Action Coalition for Responsible Sourcing and Trade of Commodities.

Join FOLU Colombia and others for a discussion in Spanish on the science, technology and innovation needed to transform food systems in Latin America. Contact info@folucolombia.org for more information/to register

The Future of Nature and Business Policy Companion:

Recommendations for policy-makers to reset towards a new nature economy

This paper by the World Economic Forum (WEF), in collaboration with SYSTEMIQ, outlines how finance ministers can kick-start a nature-positive economy programme that creates jobs and builds resilience by reducing risks to food security, public health, and climate. As governments look to stimulate their economies amid the fragility exposed by COVID-19, they must seize the moment to integrate nature into policy – to support businesses to act now and to protect nature. This and other papers supported by FOLU partners are contributing to an important and growing body of work around a nature-positive economy, with an aim to influence stimulus recovery packages.

Related news and resources

Join us for a high-level discussion to understand the critical and often overlooked connection between the climate crisis and our food and land use systems. Our speakers will take a close look at some of the key data presented in the Food and Land Use Coalition’s (FOLU) latest brief Why Nature? Why Now? How nature is key to achieving a 1.5C world, to be launched on Oct. 18. They will also dive into case studies from Africa and Indonesia.

How to build a carbon neutral economy for the United States by 2050 By Gordon McCord, Associate Teaching Professor and Associate Dean, School Of Global Policy And Strategy, University Of...
India's COVID-19 crisis is everyone's crisis By Morgan Gillespy, Program Director of the Food and Land Use Coalition We are over a year into a global pandemic that has upended the world...

Nature for Net Zero:

consultation document on the need to raise corporate ambition towards naturebased net-zero emissions

A new consultation document, Nature for Net-Zero, by the Food and Land Use Coalition sets out the actions needed to protect and restore nature to help limit global warming to 1.5°C for people and planet – raising nature-based net-zero ambition.

Related news and resources

Join us for a high-level discussion to understand the critical and often overlooked connection between the climate crisis and our food and land use systems. Our speakers will take a close look at some of the key data presented in the Food and Land Use Coalition’s (FOLU) latest brief Why Nature? Why Now? How nature is key to achieving a 1.5C world, to be launched on Oct. 18. They will also dive into case studies from Africa and Indonesia.

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