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Australia is the most arid continent, with a highly variable climate and diverse environment. Over the past century, its ambient temperature has increased by 1 °C, and is projected to rise by a further 0.4 to 2.0 °C by 2030.
China is a vast country which has made great strides in feeding its population of 1.39 billion people on only 7% of the world’s arable land.
Colombia is the world’s second-most biodiverse country, and home to a striking variety of landscapes, climates and soil types.
With a population of 112 million people, Ethiopia is the second-most populous nation in Africa and the fastest-growing economy in the region.
India is home to about 17% of the world’s population, holds 15% of its livestock and 8% of its biodiversity on only 2.4% of the global land area with only 4% of its water resources.
Indonesia – home to one of the world’s largest tropical forests, archipelagos and young populations – has seen promising socioeconomic developments over recent years. But in order to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, land use conversion and unhealthy habits, the country must urgently change its course.